My Biggest Dream Part 2: The Facade

In my previous post I told you about a dream I had about owning a book store. It was just so vivid I figured I’d blog about it and post about it to not forget it. I figured it would just be a one time dream. The dream has happened a few times. Not every night, but it happens often enough for me to take a bigger note of it.

Today’s post will be about the facade of the building that will be the icing on the cake of my perfect dream. As I think about this right now things kind of bubble up in my mind’s eye. I’ve been looking online to see if I could figure it out, but, to my knowledge, I’ve never seen a building around me like this. I had to have seen it somewhere though for me to dream this so vividly. Now if it were just for sale… and I had the money to do it… *sigh* if only.

Before I get to that, a recap just in case you didn’t read the first or it was long enough ago that you need a bit of a reminder. I’ve been having this dream of owning an old book store. Selling new and old books, but in an old store with some nostalgia of the small bookstore days. There is a gathering place in the back where people can talk, mingle, write, read, or whatever they feel the fancy to do; quietly of course. With every book read or collaboration or anything with books in general; there HAS to be coffee (or tea I didn’t forget you guys I’m honestly very fond of tea myself) AND lots of different types of seating options. So that’s the gist of my dream and story thus far.

Now to the facade. As I’ve been stating the dream was perfectly vivid. I could see everything in detail, except who was working there. It seemed everything happened by magic. Obviously, unless you know of some elves or fae that do this, there are employees somewhere in this.

So I want this to be a unique looking store from it’s front to the very back corner. I want there to be nothing like it in the world. I know that’s a tall order, especially for this. My dream gave me the concept so of course I went online and went looking. I wanted something unique. I dreamt the front was on a corner lot with the door opening out to the corner not to the street front or side, directly out to the corner. There were two large windows flanking either side and the building was blue. So knowing that I started looking. First thing that caught my eye was this building.


I mean look at it?! It’s amazing! It’s unique! It’s nowhere so I’d have to build it making it not old, which is a MUST and I’ll explain why later. So this was out… but I had to add it in here because…I mean… LOOK AT IT!!!

So anyway I kept looking and started getting frustrated. The details were blurry and vague so I couldn’t really remember what I had dreamt about. This was after just one dream, I figured I wasn’t going to have it again so I put my research down and figured I’d leave it alone until I got an epiphany.

I had the dream again and this time I figured I would post it to facebook before I forgot it. So social media to the rescue! I talking about part one, my previous post. As I sat thinking I realized I was remembering more of the building. So I wrote that down and post it too.

So my ideal building then? Well it would be a corner spot as I said earlier. It needs to be old, possibly historic; maybe an old bookstore made over or an old convince store no longer in business. NO fluorescent lights!  NONE! The front needs to have full glass windows on either side of the door with wood framing in blue or maybe a blue green. Coloring sorta looking like this…


In face if this were a corner building I’d say this would be perfect… BUT alas it is not.

I was describing this a bit earlier. It should have windows like the picture above; full glass windows on either side of the opening. I want it opening out to the corner of the street, NO FRONT OPENING and NO SIDE OPENING, it needs to be different, unique. It’s a destination, a place for people to come and collaborate, to feel welcome, to catch a glimpse because you were just drawn in. Old book stores or mom and pop book stops draw me in like crazy. They just have this feel and this smell about them. It’s not a bad thing. I love the look, feel, and smell of them. It’s just perfect! So yeah, corner opening. Like this!

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I’m really loving the look of the second building a bit more but I do kinda like the brick in the first… anyway I want it to have that haunted vibe. That “Is it haunted? It’s looked old and smells of spices” kinda haunted vibe. Nothing scary, just a feeling. That nice old feeling. Originally I was thinking the wood paneling out front could have a burnt red color and be worn down like time gnawed away at it. But I’m really liking these blues….

What do you guys think?

NEXT INSTALLMENT: I’ll talk about the inside picture of the place.

Until then… Thanks for taking part in my little dream. Let’s hope I can someday make this a reality. If my reoccurring dream has anything to say about it; it will be really soon!!!!


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